Tuesday, 24 April 2007

No Shame @ 4 Years Old

me (a bit puzzled): noosh...do u want to go to the toilet?

little bro (holding groin area): no, my penis is just itching.

me: oh.


Anonymous said...


But they all do that don't they?

Words of my Bro in Law: "The youth of today..they have no sharam!" when he wants to of course make fun of us.

Hasina Suliman said...


rah* said...

that's uhm...that's err
really good vocab and grammar for a 4 year old.

lol @ pic...*slaps floyd's wrists* photo-manipulation not good it is :)

MaD_HatteR said...

Tsk Tsk...If Ringo were to see this...he would call up Hunny-Bunny on the "dedicated" line and give her a rattle...

freelance hero said...

legend lol! did u hear about ringo's affinity to smurf ass?

qdee said...

lol!! ;)